Scour - definition. What is Scour
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I. v. a.
Clean (by friction), brighten, rub hard, scrub, cleanse.
Clean, cleanse, whiten.
Range over, brush along, pass swiftly over.
Purge (violently).
Rake, search closely.
Obliterate, efface, cleanse away, remove.
Overrun, sweep clear, drive away.
II. v. n.
Clean (by rubbing).
Clean, cleanse.
Be purged.
Course, career, scamper, range, run swiftly.
·vi To cleanse anything.
II. Scour ·vi To clean anything by rubbing.
III. Scour ·noun Diarrhoea or dysentery among cattle.
IV. Scour ·vi To be purged freely; to have a diarrhoea.
V. Scour ·vt To Purge; as, to scour a horse.
VI. Scour ·add. ·noun The act of Scouring.
VII. Scour ·add. ·noun A place scoured out by running water, as in the bed of a stream below a fall.
VIII. Scour ·add. ·vt To cleanse or clear, as by a current of water; to Flush.
IX. Scour ·vt To pass swiftly over; to brush along; to traverse or search thoroughly; as, to scour the coast.
X. Scour ·vi To run swiftly; to rove or range in pursuit or search of something; to Scamper.
XI. Scour ·vt To remove by rubbing or cleansing; to sweep along or off; to carry away or remove, as by a current of water;
- often with off or away.
XII. Scour ·vt To rub hard with something rough, as sand or Bristol brick, especially for the purpose of cleaning; to clean by friction; to make clean or bright; to cleanse from grease, dirt, ·etc., as articles of dress.
(scours, scouring, scoured)
If you scour something such as a place or a book, you make a thorough search of it to try to find what you are looking for.
Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles...
We scoured the telephone directory for clues.
= search
VERB: V n, V n for n
If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface by rubbing it hard with something rough.
He decided to scour the sink.
= scrub


Scour may refer to:
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1. Riley scour the area with forensic fastidiousness.
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5. Police continued Tuesday to scour Jacques‘ property, including with search dogs.